For the past few years, we are fighting against one of the biggest forms of waste, i.e., the sanitary waste that is generated because of the use of one time use sanitary napkin. One women in her entire lifetime uses and disposes about 10,000 single use sanitary napkins. These napkins are either dumped, burnt or sent to the landfill causing massive amount of pollution. Sanitary waste still has no viable form of zero-emission recycling. Our research revealed it to us that such napkins are not only harmful for the environment but also for the female health. This causes several issues like rashes, sweating, itchiness, dry cervix and even cancer.

Therefore, we had made it our mission to free both the women and the nature from the harmful effects of single use sanitary napkins. We believe that the first step towards the change in lifestyle is by awareness and therefore we give extensive awareness sessions to the women and girls regarding the female body, menstrual cycle, harmful effects of sanitary napkins, menstrual cups and benefits of using menstrual cups.

Menstrual Cups are the best existing alternative sustainable menstrual product. These cups last for 8+ years as it is made of silicone which in itself has a very long shelf life. Since these cups are medically approved and high grade, it is 100% safe for the woman’s body. With the right awareness, it is extremely easy to use and maintain. It saves the woman the cost of buying more than 180 single use pads every year. At the same time, since menstrual cups are made of silicone, it only collects the blood and does not have any chemicals.
Our target population has always been women who reside in areas that are ecologically vulnerable (such as coasts and mountains) or communities where women do not have the access to gain knowledge about alternative sustainable menstrual products or the purchasing power to afford menstrual cups. We firmly believe that every woman has the right to better health and better environment. Most of the menstrual cups available online have price range from INR 399.00 (for 5 years use) to INR 1800.00 ( for 10+ years of use), which is out of the affordability of the women we work for.
Hence, we, alongside the expertise and production of Aditiya Polymers, have started the distribution of menstrual cups at a subsidized price of INR 200.00 exclusively for the rural areas where we actively engage. These cups are manufactured in India and are FDA approved made of high grade silicone. They have a longevity of 8+ years. Our goal is to make the menstrual cups accessible to the women after an elaborate and detailed awareness session. We want to make menstrual a product that women from every background can use and reap the benefits from.
The price of the menstrual cups is not the same when it comes to the women in urban locations who they have a greater purchasing power. The difference in the price is sheerly because the additional amount helps us to channelize more menstrual cups towards the remote villages where women have no knowledge or access to such an incredble sustaiinable product. We clearly declare the same while dispersing the menstrual cups to the women.
The pricing of the subsidized cups is divided and covered into 3 parts. Part one is mitigated by GreenAmmo itself as distributors. Part 2 is mitigated by our doners and supporters. The final part is a small amount of value we receive from the menstrual cups users themselves in order to ensure that it has a greater utility. Rather than making it a completely free of cost product for the end users we associate a small value to it as it is a long-term investment they make towards their health and wellbeing.
Check our instructional videos (In Hindi and In English) on how to use menstrual cups under Tutorials Tab above!