Happy Be One,
Happy Be All,
It’s The Great,
Season Of Fall ,
Orange Leaves,
Of The Beautiful Trees,
Blown Away,
By The Wonderful Breeze.
Cherry Blossoms,
On The Trees Around,
Turning Into A Smile ,
Your Sad Frown.
But, Alas
Winter Must Come,
But I Shall Be In A Patient Wait,
For The Next Autumn.
About the writer: Souvik
I am a student of 11th standard from St. Edmund’s School, Shillong. I have always been inclined towards gathering knowledge more than processing information. I have spent more time knowing about the world than scanning the pages of my curriculum books. Perhaps that is where my knack for a leading like-minded youth like me comes from. We are the future and we have this responsibility to lead by example in our own small ways.
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/souvik.bhattacharjee.7355079